Grief and Loss Counselling Services

Grief and loss counselling is a specialised form of counselling that helps individuals who have experienced loss to process their emotions and ultimately move toward healing. Many of our counsellors here at Wellness North Counselling have moved through their own losses. Grieving is a normal and natural process, but it can be a difficult one to go through. Grief and loss counselling is designed to help individuals manage the pain of their loss and find a path to recovery. Grief and loss counselling typically begins with a comprehensive assessment of the individual's feelings, thoughts and behaviours related to the loss. In your first session, your therapist is trying to really understand you and your world view.

Our counsellors will then work with you to develop a treatment plan that focuses on understanding and managing your feelings (and not suppressing them) and will help you create space for heavy emotions. Ultimately, you will learn strategies for coping. This process may involve exploring your beliefs about yourself and the world, understanding the cycle of grief, and developing new and healthy coping strategies. Grief and loss counselling can be incredibly powerful and transformative when done with a seasoned therapist. It can provide the individual with an opportunity to safely explore and express their emotions without being judged, to gain insight into their own thought patterns, and to develop self-care strategies to help them cope with life challenges. Counselling can also provide a space to discuss the practical implications of the loss, such as the need for legal or financial advice.

Contact our Team today to get started.


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