Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD, often known as obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a prevalent yet sometimes misunderstood mental health problem. It is characterized by compulsions, which are repetitive behavioural or mental acts that a person feels compelled to execute, and obsessions, which are recurring and persistent thoughts. These compulsions and obsessions can consume a lot of time and interfere with a person's regular activities, interpersonal relationships, and general well-being.

It's crucial to know that there is effective treatment available if you or someone you care about is battling with OCD. We provide professional OCD therapy services at our mental health counselling clinic to assist people in overcoming their obsessions and compulsions and leading better, more meaningful lives.

Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

  • Obsessions: These are recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that cause anxiety or distress. Examples of obsessions might include a fear of germs, a need for symmetry or order, or unwanted thoughts about harming oneself or others.

  • Compulsions: These are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that an individual feels driven to perform in order to reduce the anxiety or distress caused by their obsessions. Examples of compulsions might include hand-washing, counting, or checking.

  • Avoidance: Some individuals with OCD may try to avoid situations that trigger their obsessions or may avoid performing certain tasks because they fear they will not be able to complete them "perfectly."

  • Difficulty completing tasks: The time-consuming nature of obsessions and compulsions can interfere with an individual's ability to complete everyday tasks, leading to difficulty at work or school and problems with relationships.

  • Distress: OCD can cause significant distress for individuals, both due to the obsessions and compulsions themselves and the impact they have on daily life.

Meet some of our OCD therapists

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