Should I take or not take Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety mediction?
Antidepressants - To take or not

How we support community - Free, Low cost and Group Counselling Services
Free and Low Cost Services offered to BC residents. No Waitlists, Qualified therapists, Skilled in Trauma Informed, Inclusive and Diverse lens.

Matthew Perry’s Legacy - Mental Health Awareness and Seeking Help
Mental Health Support after Matthew Perry’s death

Group Counselling-DBT Skills, ADHD regulation, anxiety classes and more….
Group Counselling Sessions
How to improve your relationships ?
Relationship Upgrade - A Book for couples to use neuroscience to improve their relationships.

Can Anxiety and Depression be cured through medication?
Can anxiety and depression be cured through medication?

With advancement in AI, will Mental health profession become redundant?
Will AI replace mental health professionals?

How do you know if you are in a relationship with a Narcissist?
Signs of narcissist abuse - Our mental health team is here to support you. Trust your gut if you feel something is not right.

How to strenghten your connection with your partner ?
Relationship Upgrade and How we work with couples

Healing after broken heart - How counselling helps after infidelity
Affair Recovery Therapy - We offer counselling after infidelity

How we help people struggling with Anxiety
We offer Anxiety counselling services. Limited number of FREE virtual counselling spots available. Low cost services for students and senior citizens.